Questions Around Old Age

- How many of you fear old age and death?
- Why?
- Have you been present when someone has died?
- What does old age mean to you?
- Do you associate it with illness and immobility?
- What do you expect from old age?
Old age refers to “ages nearing or surpassing the life expectancy of human beings and is thus the end of the human life cycle”. It is a natural process and obviously, something you can prepare for in many ways in the same way as you can do for birth. In ancient wisdom, birth and death are revered, honoured and respected in ways that are physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. We need to learn from these teachings.
Old age does not necessarily imply automatic disease, senility and suffering, nor does it mean an immediate journey back to childhood where you play up because you have never matured and your emotional default is that of a child. Old age can be a wonderful time to resolve old issues; in fact, it is imperative that you do. Old people who revert to immature behaviour have in fact, never grown up and their behaviour makes it a very trying time for those caring for them. In my experience those who grow old healthy, wise and content are those who have been honest with themselves, been fully accountable for themselves, done lots of introspection and reflection, made any internal adjustments required to keep on developing and improving as a human being. They learn and grow right up to their departure date. They have taken full responsibility for themselves on all levels – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
So from today, if you are going to invest in anything, spend time becoming self- aware. Begin treating yourself like someone you are responsible for helping. Understanding yourself is a fundamental step to taking care of yourself. If you can do this for yourself, you can also do it for others. Being self-aware will automatically bring with it an awareness of how short life really is and how to best make use of your time here. Self-awareness reminds us of our mortality.
“When my client has learned to answer their own questions, my job is done”
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