Education on old age, family dynamics, dementia, legalities, end of life, death, grief.

Workshops, Talks, A Course, Retreats, One on One, Family groups, Private and Professional sectors and will be tailor made for the specific audience, online and in person.

Education on the multiple layers of old age, end of life and death require a series of difficult and sensitive conversations which present challenges we would prefer to avoid at any stage of life. But, being prepared for something as sobering as old age and as inevitable as death, prevents unnecessary suffering at a particularly sensitive time. Denial of anything leads to unnecessary confusion and the ensuing chaos may be emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, or physical, or all of them all at the same time.

Information is not knowledge, because the best source of knowledge is experience, and experience is needed to gain wisdom. I educate from many years of experience in every aspect of this topic and share practical, common-sense wisdom. I shed light on areas of fear, ignorance, and confusion, bringing clarity by putting things into perspective. As soon as fears and the unknown are faced, understood, and put into perspective, people can plan, make wise informed choices, feel safe and more secure about the end of life.

Dementia must be covered as it impacts on family and patients alike and causes incredible tensions and suffering if not understood. Financial affairs must be addressed to avoid nasty situations arising when least desired. This brings with it the need to address family dynamics which can cause negative vibes that add to the stress. It is one thing to put the correct care in place for the elderly but quite another to know when the end of life has arrived.

End of life can be anything from one year to three days and then there is the differences between end of life, active dying, and death. It’s best to know what to expect for two reasons; 1) for the person who is dying and 2) for the people experiencing the process from the wings. Every single one of us deserves the right to die gently, with dignity, surrounded by love, compassion and with understanding. Grief of course cannot be left out, as it is something we all deal with whether it be the ‘death’ of a person, a job, an emotion, thought, a divorce or a home. The spiritual/religious side of life is important and respecting people’s wishes and beliefs at the end of life is vital.

With the global population being on the decline, the growing geriatric population’s needs are going to have to be met. Are you prepared?

All content is developed, written, and facilitated by Barbara Scogings, owner of Barbara Scogings – Inspiring Self – Awareness.