Evaluate Your Life.
Evaluating your daily life is part Spring Clean – what stays and what goes – and part checking off a list of ‘things to do’. It’s a process of observation, discipline, and regulation – regulation of yourself individually emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, and of yourself in relationship with your daily, short term, and long-term goals. At some point, however, you must step back and look at your daily life in the bigger picture in order to maintain perspective and clarity. But, how many people have a really large bigger picture?
How do you know where you’re going if you’re either not faced in the correct direction, or you’ve just not thought about why or how you’re getting there? Something that all people should do preferably from teenage years, is to look at all aspects of the average person’s life and describe how they relate to each of these aspects and what they want from each: Career, Finances, Health, Life Partner, Children, Higher Purpose/Legacy, Sex, Home, Travel, Education, Study, Charity, Spiritual Path, Friends, Hobbies.
Write down in pencil – can rub out and change – what each area means to you and if you knew you were going to die in say one years’ time, how would you want each area to fulfill you. Setting a timeline demands your absolute honesty and so allows you to remain authentic to yourself, not to others.
Ask yourself daily “Am I being authentic – honestly true to myself – and do I feel connected – emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally”.
“When my client has learned to answer their own questions, my job is done”.
Need to know more? WhatsApp on +27823740940 or email on barbara@barbarascogings.com to book a complimentary 20-minute session to discuss this in more detail.