On Social Media
I think that social media makes the world a smaller place, far easier to navigate and connect with people and information that wouldn’t normally be so accessible. The interweb as such, brings events, news, and information into our lives that most of us wouldn’t normally be able to access if ever, or even at all. Social media is in essence a digital technology that facilitates the sharing of text and multimedia through virtual networks and communities.
Billions of people around the world use social media. It’s a fabulous invention but gets blamed for so much; hate speech, bad behaviour, judgmental opinions, and speech that is apparently ‘too free’. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water I say – social media is merely a tool to be used. Why would you throw away a tool after you’ve used it?
The point I make is that people are the problem, not social media. People bring their own personalities, their issues, their bad habits, and unresolved life challenges to the social media party transferring this behaviour onto everyone else on the platform. Yes, they may hide certain aspects of their life and personality behind the invisibility of the internet, but if you look deeper, you’ll find that they’re true to themselves. Once a coward, always a coward for example. Once a liar is always a liar. Once insecure and brash always insecure and brash.A hammer (a tool) can be handed to 5 different people who will use it in 5 different ways and so with social media: –
- Will use it to fix a piece of furniture.
- Will put it away for a rainy day.
- Will use it to hang up a picture for their child.
- Will use it to kill someone.
- Will give it away because they already have a hammer.
And the same applies to the tool of social media. The way you use social media will always reflect who you are.
“When my client has learned to answer their own questions, my job is done”
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